No matter what happens, failure is not the end of the story. 

Nobody starts a business planning to fail. Not me, not you. No one! So, when you see someone grow a business to 5-figures within one year, you want all the details right now!

You're going to love this episode with Ajoke Emekene, especially her personal story about quitting jobs and dealing with failure. She also shares the specific mindset and strategies she used to create a steady stream of income online through advertising.

Whether you run your online business part-time or full-time, your online business can be profitable, and it doesn't have to take years. Yes. You can wake up one day and decide to make money in your business, you can decide to go steady with your business.

It's more than a decision for sure, you need the right strategies, the right tools, and the right mindset. In this episode, we dive into all of that. It is specific, it is detailed, and it is liberating (yes, if you quit your job and your business did not succeed immediately, you're not alone).

Is passion enough reason for you to go into a business? What role do coaches play? Ajoke answers all these questions and more in the latest episode!

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  • The role of mindset in making business decisions
  • How to test if your business idea is profitable before leaving your 9 to 5
  • How to recognize what is really in your way (sometimes, it's just fear)
  • The 2 things every serious entrepreneur invests in
  • 3 places to focus if you're starting your business without any money
  • How to decide which advertising platform to use for your marketing
  • 2 mistakes you must avoid when running Facebook Ads
  • What to do when you fail ( instead of being stubbornly persistent like the gurus say)

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